“Windham offers clean and safe environment to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of a natural setting. We invite you to come and explore Windham history”
– Experience Fun For The Entire Family While Exploring the Historical Past –
Historical Places

The Battle of the Frogs
This monument, dedicated on Constitution Day, 24 September 1924, marks the spot where the frog fight occurred in old Windham village.

The Museum
A selection of photos and historical artifacts from our collection in our Museum, located in the Jillson House om Main Street in Willimantic
Explore The MOUNTAIN
Windham Mountain has up-to-date snow-making which provides consistent cover across 95% of the trails, the entire mountain areas are serviced by high speed lifts.
Windham - Most Visited destination
From Windham Mountain and Museam to skiing, every destination in Windham has its own charm. One also visit Windham country club Known for its beautiful golf course atop the Catskill Mountains. Windham Country Club is an 18-hole public golf course with a private club atmosphere.

Jillson House
Jillson’s House, built in 1825 of stone quarried from the nearby riverbed, was the finest in the city and it carries significant history for the development of Windham.
Top Tips to get your Clone A Willy right, Every time!
If you’re an average internet surfer like me, I’m sure you have seen this insane penis molding product and scratched your head around it. You might have even got a few samples to try out but failed miserably while at it.
So how do you succeed? How can you ensure that your mold comes out perfectly in shape? Getting the right texture is difficult, so how can you ensure you’re getting it all correct?
Don’t worry. In this article, I have given you the top tips to ensure you have your Clone A Willy game right every time.
What is this Clone A Willy kit?
Clone A Willy sold at Twice Tonight is a dildo-making kit for those who don’t know anything. But the only difference between a store-bought dildo and a Clone A Willy dildo is that you literally get to “make your dildo.” Yes, so it’s exactly as per your specifications.
As the name suggests, it is directed towards couples who want to replicate the shape of their penis or rather “clone” their willy! I agree, “willy” is a rather turning-off kinda name when it comes to penises, but honestly, we can’t do much except nod our heads and move on.
Nevertheless, the product surely doesn’t disappoint as the name. More often than not, it exceeds all expectations and performs wilder than you could have imagined.
But why is it that I know so much about Clone A Willy?
Aye, I am not a sponsored agent. Nor am I a guy. But just because I don’t have a penis doesn’t mean I don’t want a customized dildo!
After our few rounds of “calorie-burning” exercise on a dull Sunday afternoon, I was just telling my partner about my fantasies on a dull Sunday afternoon. I mean, how cool it would be to get fucked in both my southern holes by the same dick.
Don’t get me wrong; I have done a double penetration before; be it two guys or toys or toy-guy combination, your girl has done them all! But I wanted to get fucked by the same dick in both the holes. Sounds undoable, doesn’t it? So we started surfing the internet on how to do it.
After just a few initial clicks, we landed upon this miraculous product called Clone A Willy. It promised me precisely what I craved! So basically, I could clone my partner’s dick into a dildo and get double penetrated whenever I wanted. However, I wanted!
Now, here are some golden hacks to get your Penis Mold right. Every single time!
- Read the instruction manual twice!
You’ve no idea how often people mess up just because they didn’t read the manual correctly. There are innumerable occasions where significant mishaps in the molding could have been avoided if the person making the mold had been a tad bit more attentive to details. - Trim the container an inch or half an inch more than your penis length
When trimming the container to the size of your willy, keep an inch extra just for some space. Some extra inches would never be wrong, but a shorter than average dildo is a turn-off in most cases. - Pay special attention to the timings.
Here, you got two timings to pay attention to. The first one is where you mix the water with the molding powder. Mix it for exactly 1 minute and immediately pour it into the container.
If you delay, the mold can already solidify, leading to a clumpy aggregate. If you do it quickly, it will not mix well, and your mold might never harden. So yes, the timing is crucial.
The next one is when you put your penis inside that gooey mixture. Be careful not to take it out before you can feel the mold hardening. However, don’t keep it too long, as that might ruin the texture. - The water must be exactly 90°F. Not a degree warm. Not a degree cold.
This is a critical point. If your water is too cold, the molding powder won’t dissolve. If it’s hotter than the necessary temperature, the mixture won’t settle in 1 minute. People don’t pay heed to this and mess up the texture.
So be careful that your water is exactly 90°F. You can use the thermometer provided with the kit but if you own a more accurate one, use that. - Once you’ve molded your penis, let the mold harden for at least 8 hours.
There’s no harm in letting the mold harden for a longer time. Therefore, let it rest undisturbed for a while. The manual will tell you that 4 hours is enough, but trust me and go for 8-10 hours.
These essential points and hacks could work as a golden ticket to getting you your ideal penis clone. This whole procedure might look taxing, but it is a rewarding process. I believe the product you get at the end is worth it. You’ll be gifted with a replica of your willy. This is not only incredibly fun to play around with in the bedroom but can also boost your sex life to levels you’ve never imagined of.
So go out there and clone that willy. Follow the instruction manual and keep these tips in mind. Trust me, the only regret you will have is not discovering this article earlier.